Ernie was an adventurous daredevil, nothing could stop him. He would journey to the ends of the earth and travel hundreds of miles to find the Eternal Stone of Life that would keep him alive.
But legend says that just when he was about to grasp it, he slipped on a banana peel and broke his spine.
However to this day there are rumors that he is still looking for the Eternal Stone of Life so he can be human again and live forever.
He also loves music, movies and crazy costumes.

Join Ernie's journey around the world in search of the Eternal Stone of Life.
Just rumors until he finds it!
Daily Hand-Drawn Collectible 1/1 NFT

Created by the Gods billions of years ago. The Eternal Stone of Life has the power of Immortality.
The ESoL, as they call it, hasn't been discovered by anybody but legend says it's buried under a huge crater made by a meteor crash, but until today nobody knows the exact location.